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Policy and repository editor

Build and evolve all the fundamental contextual elements for your assessments!

Integrate your PSSI and any other set of requirements you wish to use (norms, standards, regulations, etc.) into the platform, as well as reference frameworks for your assessments (scales, risks, measures, etc.).

Why manage your repositories on the platform?

Having your requirements repositories in one place makes it easier to manage them, create associated compliance questionnaires and monitor compliance levels. Integrate your PSSI, your service provider requirements, your regulations, etc.

Use cases

Enter your PSSI into the platform and use its requirements to launch compliance campaigns or conduct compliance questionnaires.

Enter any repository into the platform and use it for campaigns or compliance assessments

Monitor the compliance of your organization or specific perimeters with various standards

Integrate your PSSI into the platform

Indicate your safety objectives

Enter the structure of your PSSI

Import all your requirements

Enrich each requirement with a variety of information: links with other standards, proofs required for compliance questionnaires, standard proofs expected, etc.

Integrate any repository into the platform

Do the same with your PSSI for any reference: standards (ISO, etc.), regulations (RGPD, IGI 1300, …)

Link your repositories

Then use them in questionnaires

Manage your compliance with your various standards

Use integrated repositories to manage your compliance

Calculate fine indicators according to your needs:

choice of a precise scope, with different granularities for each repository (in relation to chapters, sub-chapters, each requirement)

Export reports

Build accurate reports

Generate summaries and reports according to selected criteria

Build customized dashboards to suit your needs

Ensure that your reports and indicators are anchored in your business

Review and trace the history of your assessments

Make changes to your PSSI or any other repository, and maintain

keep track of the different versions of your repositories over time.

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Crédit : Freepik